Scheduled Triathlons

5.23.10 - Sprint Distance - Auburn Triathlon - Railhead Park Soccer Fields - Auburn, CA
06.27.10 - Olympic Distance - Golden Gate Triathlon - Crissy Field - San Francisco, CA
07.31.10 - Half-Ironman- Barb's Race - Johnson's Beach - Guerneville, CA

Monday, April 5, 2010

Day Twenty-One

It is all about ME and it should be!

I was asked last week - 'who was I doing this for?'  I easily answered that I was doing it for myself.  That has been put to the test this week. 

I am following a training book for twenty weeks- these are the workouts that I follow.  Someone thinks that I need to do longer runs, I need to stretch more, I need to lift weights, I need to do yoga, I need to do a workout video.  No, I do not. I need to do this for ME.  If I am bothered by these suggestions it just proves that I am faltering from my intent to do this for myself.  I do not need to please anyone's view of what I should be doing. I am following a studied and tested scheduled workout that will help ME meet MY goal.  I have read three books about triathlons, I can trust myself and my workout plan.

The other thing that I am being questioned on is nutrition.  I am getting MY nutrition in line to make ME feel good during and after a workout.  I started this program being aware of nutrition, I am just tuning it up to fit me better as I embark on this training program. This is something only I can figure out.  My nutrition seems to be questioned by everyone.  'Are you eating more carbs?' 'I don't think you are eating enough vegetables'  Someone else said there is no way I am getting enough protein because I am not eating meat  Do you take supplements? I am asked, yes, I do not even believe in supplements but I take them.  Then I am told that I am denying my husband since I am not fixing him meat, everyone complains about this except for him.  I am the only one who knows how I am feeling, if I think I need more energy I will increase my carbs, if I am not recovering fast enough maybe I will increase my protein.  No one is next to me at every meal, so how can I take it personally when they have suggestions about what I should eat.  I only take it personally when I am wanting to please them, but I am not doing this for anyone but me.  right???   Maybe this is a much bigger issue than some triathlon I am doing, I would be happier in everything if I was trying to please myself not others.  I am not saying that I should not care about others feelings, or that I do not do something purely for someone else.  I am saying that it is healthy for me to do this for me, and I need to stick to just pleasing myself with this goal. 

I AM DOING THIS FOR ME.  I need to remember that.  I have set a goal that I want to accomplish.  My goal is not to do what everyone else thinks I need to do, I am not doing this to make them happy but to make me happy.  I did yoga this morning, as it is my rest day, and I felt great.  I feel stronger than I have in a some time, I have not lost any lbs like I hoped to, but they have definately been redistrubited. 

By the way, I thought my toughest critic would be my husband, but he has been great.  Nothing but encouraging and patient.  He has had to take the dog for more runs and fix more dinners and he has done it with an attitude of support and love.  As always, being more than I had hoped for, and I had high hopes!  You are the best Ryan.

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