Scheduled Triathlons

5.23.10 - Sprint Distance - Auburn Triathlon - Railhead Park Soccer Fields - Auburn, CA
06.27.10 - Olympic Distance - Golden Gate Triathlon - Crissy Field - San Francisco, CA
07.31.10 - Half-Ironman- Barb's Race - Johnson's Beach - Guerneville, CA

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day Thirty-Two


We headed up to Marin for our ride.  The ride started off BORING!  We were following bike route signs and were just riding through town.  We were stopping at nearly ever block for a stop sign.  It was slow and frustrating.  The plan was to ride for 2:15, but at one hour - almost our turning around spot - we had just reached the beginning of getting out of town and into the open space.  We climbed for another ten or so minutes and then stopped on the road to turn around.  We were both annoyed that we would have to go back through town.  I was annoyed, but ready to head back.  Ryan pulled out the map and showed me how we could reroute our trip up and over the climb we were on, then over Mt Tam to ridge crest rd and down and around back to Mill Valley (Thank you Rod Mowbray for raising a son nearly as crazy as you, and Kami- only you expect and understand that of course these guys would not head back through town when there is a climb we could conquer).  I was not excited about this idea, but reluctantly went along with it.  The climb up to the ridge crest was great.  I was going at my slow pace, but I felt good and I was impressed that I was able to do this climb that had always sounded too hard to want to try.  Once we got to the top we did ridge crest, which has the seven sisters.  I felt great for the first 3 or 4 but then ahhhh tired legs.  These seven sisters are much harder than I anticipated.  I have heard them also referred to as the Seven Bitches and that will be the name I will forever call them.  You just finish with this challenging climb up Bolinas Fairfax just to do these seven short power climbs.  They almost did me in.  I actually had to stop and take a break on one of them. But I made it and am happy that we did the longer route.  The ride went from 2:15 to 3:30, but that is great because my foot is sore and I might rest it tomorrow skipping my run.

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