Scheduled Triathlons

5.23.10 - Sprint Distance - Auburn Triathlon - Railhead Park Soccer Fields - Auburn, CA
06.27.10 - Olympic Distance - Golden Gate Triathlon - Crissy Field - San Francisco, CA
07.31.10 - Half-Ironman- Barb's Race - Johnson's Beach - Guerneville, CA

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day Ninety-Nine


I am feeling better today.  I ran early to get it out of the way.  My muscles were not happy to start out with.  They were really painful in the upper hamstring and glutes, no explanation for this.  It was just a strange pain that I have never experienced.  It had me worried that my sick day was going to ruin everything.  That the last almost hundred days of training would be killed by one sick day.  My mind goes to worst case scenario very quickly.  I think this might be because I still cannot believe that I am really doing this!  But the pain went away after a few blocks and running was fine - and the world is not going to end today!  I don't know why I go to doom right away.  I was actually just reading Jon Carroll from the Chronicle (if you don't read this guy he is great - check him out) and his article is 'The Approximations of Doom' and it linked to the World Clock These are the type of websites that train my mind to go straight to yelling that the sky is falling!

I swam today at aquatic park and tried out my wetsuit.  I rented a wetsuit for my SF triathlon.  I can swim in the bay fine without a suit, but I come out shivering for a good 20 minutes.  I don't think that would work in a triathlon, especially in SF where the weather could make the bike a cold experience.  So I gave in and rented a wetsuit.  Swimming in it today  - blah.  It is easier because you are floating, you are really buoyant, but it is much harder work on the shoulders.  I came out of the water warm, but did not really like the experience.  It made the swim work, not a fun swim like a kid in the bay.  But I feel I should use it in the tri this Sunday, after that I hope not to have to use it this season (maybe if I try Alcatraz, with the goal of swimming it later without a wetsuit).  

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