Scheduled Triathlons

5.23.10 - Sprint Distance - Auburn Triathlon - Railhead Park Soccer Fields - Auburn, CA
06.27.10 - Olympic Distance - Golden Gate Triathlon - Crissy Field - San Francisco, CA
07.31.10 - Half-Ironman- Barb's Race - Johnson's Beach - Guerneville, CA

Friday, June 25, 2010

Day One Hundred and One

That makes for a long title...

Today I did a quick run with the dog- 50 minutes.  Felt good, but my stomach is still not doing great.  I am still feeling irritated from the flu symptoms I had earlier in the week.  Then Ryan joined me at the pool for a short swim 1800.  This is a recovery week so everything is easy.  My shoulders were tired from swimming with the wetsuit on Wednesday, but other than that it was a fine mid-day swim.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to read your race report! I totally agree with your assessment about the whole loop thing!
