Scheduled Triathlons

5.23.10 - Sprint Distance - Auburn Triathlon - Railhead Park Soccer Fields - Auburn, CA
06.27.10 - Olympic Distance - Golden Gate Triathlon - Crissy Field - San Francisco, CA
07.31.10 - Half-Ironman- Barb's Race - Johnson's Beach - Guerneville, CA

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day Ninety-Two

I have a few things I have forgotten to talk about so here they are

  1. I am dealing with Bank of America on a daily basis.  Literally on the phone from 8 to 530 (with a quick break to swim on wed and fri). This means I am allowed wine in the evening.  I need something to take the stress off and not direct it at Ryan.
  2. I have the skin of a high school wrestler.  This working out is great for me but my skin is hating it.  I have a dermatologist appointment and at the age of 29 when asked why I needed the appointment I had to say 'acne'  humiliating.
  3. I have had a guilty pleasure of Taylor Swift but now I hate her.  I was riding and hating every second of my ride.  As people were passing me in trucks I was wondering how much I would have to pay some stranger to give me a ride back to my car.  My seat was killing me and I wanted off the bike.  I was willing to do ANYTHING to get off the bike (don't take that  lightly I was willing to do anything).  Then Taylor Swift came on my ipod.  She is so happy energetic and sweet I wanted to rip out her vocal chords.  I had to quickly move past her songs and find something more edgy or more angry, just something that matched my mood better.  And now I hate sweet little Taylor.  I thought it was just going to be on that ride, but it has been a few days and I still hate her.  Maybe there is some relation with the acne (a high school phenomenon) and my love of Taylor (a high school phenomenon). Maybe the end of listening to her music will clear up my skin??
Today I ran in the morning. Just took the dog out and got it over with early - since I had to be on the phone with B of A by 8.  In the afternoon I went for a nice walk with a friend at the beach. It was needed after the bank had me running in circles for the day.  The slow pace of the beach was great to refocus.  Then I headed out to do swimart's 630 swim in the bay.  It was 515 when I left but at 630 I had not even made it to the bridge.  Lots of traffic.  So I took off and went to aquatic park.  It was beautiful!  The change of plan worked out to my benefit.  The sun was low casting beautiful light on everything.  As I swam I look to my right and see Alcatraz or the Golden Gate. Left was the famous Ghirardelli sign - the building had amazing light on it and then behind me are these wonderful old boats.  It was a great experience.  I was freezing after and my heater was not working, but great experience!

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